Instructions for use Welltone

Welltone instructions for use

Arterial hypertension was first considered in the mid-18th century. Since then, the number of deaths from this disease is up to 40% of the total number of deaths. Therefore, with hypertension and symptoms, treatment, including the use of Welltone drops, should be immediate. Statistics show that up to half of the adult population in Romania has hypertension or high blood pressure. In poor countries, this figure is slightly lower: there the main causes of the disease are less present, as indicated below:

Causes of hypertension

reason Explanations
Age Women around the age of 40 are less likely to have high blood pressure due to their healthier lifestyle than men. In older age, the indicators level out: the vessels lose their elasticity in both sexes approximately equally.
climatic When you move to work in a cold climate, the pressure may show increased levels after a few years: lack of fitness affects. Using drops can help with changing weather conditions.
Reaction of sodium Consuming a lot of salty foods or having a genetic sensitivity to normal sodium levels.
Excess food Increased load on the cardiovascular system. To a lesser extent, it is characteristic of residents of underdeveloped countries.
Metabolism problems Diabetes, android obesity, insulin resistance upset the body.
Alcohol and smoking They affect the nervous system, poison the body with harmful substances.
Hypodynamia It reduces the body's adaptation to external factors, the vessels lose their fitness for stress.
stress It activates the nervous system, which leads to increased pressure. The natural components of the drops stop stress, help normalize sleep, relieve anxiety.

Indications and contraindications

Drops for hypertension and symptoms can give an effective healing effect to each of the three stages of arterial hypertension. The medicine can be used strictly according to the instructions for headaches in the temples and in the back of the head, for heart pain, for tachycardia, for vision or sleep disorders, for memory loss, vertigo, tinnitus. The pressure of the drug user usually exceeds the norm up to 160 \ 95 in the first and second stages and up to 180 \ 110 mm Hg. Art. in the third stage of the disease.

Since arterial hypertension is a complex disease, which in the second and third stages already affects the internal organs and their function, the use of syrup in the presence of additional diseases requires consultation with a doctor. In general, the drops are mild and non-addictive.

How to use Welltone?

The use of drops for hypertension and its symptoms, carried out according to the instructions, taking into account individual characteristics, is carried out for at least 4-5 weeks. The drug is taken in the amount of 20 drops per 100 milliliters of water 1-2 times a day during the course. In addition to the main effect, Wellton reduces stabilized sugar, reduces anxiety levels and normalizes metabolism in many patients.